A Cartoon'd Classic: Tamiya's Comical Grasshopper Buggy

By: Tim Gluth

The Tamiya Grasshopper has a special place in my heart, not only as a classic R/C model but also as my first kit build. Tamiya has put a twist on this classic buggy with their latest kit, the 1/10-scale Comical Grasshopper.

With exaggerated features such as larger wheels, tires, and driver cockpit, the Comical Grasshopper looks as if it leaped off of the pages of a comic book and into the real world.

Tamiya Comical Grasshopper - Chassis Side

Built around their WR-02CB chassis, this buggy kit should be capable of handling a variety of terrain. Powered by a 540-size brushed motor, the Comical Grasshopper isn't short on power and oil-filled shocks will let it bound over bumps and jumps with ease.

The included TBLE-02SESC is compatible with both brushed and brushless motors. "Rounded" battery packs must be used with the model itself, as square packs won't correctly fit in the battery tray.

Tamiya Comical Grasshopper - Rear

To complete the building process, you'll need to supply a steering servo, radio system (2-channel minimum, batteries (for the radio transmitter and buggy), battery charger, and polycarbonate paint.

Tamiya's Comical Grasshopper kit is priced at $222.00 and will be available for purchase online. Visit tamiyausa.com for additional details on this model.

Image credit: Tamiya

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