A Quick Spin with the Redcat Racing Everest GEN7 [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

There are times when Mother Nature isn't a fan of the R/C hobby. At least that's how it may seem, from time-to-time. My freshly-unboxed Redcat Racing Everest GEN7 Sport spent a few extra days on the shelf before it could (finally) be taken outdoors for an Autumn drive.

Picking a spot that I don't often visit, I had an opportunity to get a general feel for this trail rig and shake it down on some standard terrain. From a leaf-filled forest path to a paved walkway, the Everest GEN7 Sport zipped around and took on whatever modest challenges laid before it.

While there weren't any extreme obstacles to conquer, I did notice a few areas that could use improvement (steering radius). Outside of that, it performed as well as I'd expected and was an overall joy to drive.

The next time out, I'm hoping to find a spot with more technical driving challenges. But as it sits, I'm happy with the performance of this sub-$200 R/C scaler.

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