Axial Posts a Sneak-Peek at Something New (And the R/C Community is Buzzing)

By: Tim Gluth

Hmmm. That sums up my reaction to Axial's tweet that was posted this morning. On the surface, it looks like an innocent photo of an innocent stack of tires with a SCORE offroad series banner in the background.  Nothing too out of the ordinary.  But what's that, slim tire propped up next to the larger, beefier "shoes".  Looks like a dirtbike tire...and wheel.  Guessing that these aren't 1:1 tires and wheels either. What the what???

The photo was joined by the following caption: "Who is ready for the weekend? GET READY big news Friday! Going for whoops! #SCOREInternational #DesertRacing #Axial".  Ok, color me intrigued.  On a related it Friday yet?

We'll be tuning in to Axial's social channels in a few days to see what they might be announcing. My hopes are high and I hope the announcement lives up to the hype it's been building.

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