Enjoy 30 Days of Deals from Redcat Racing

By: Tim Gluth
Summer is almost here and Redcat Racing is kickstarting the fun with its "30 Day of Deals" sale. Throughout the month of June (2022), you can enjoy daily deals on select Redcat models, including (but not limited to) the GEN8 V2 International Scout, Marksman, Wendigo, Monte Carlo Lowrider, and SixtyFour Lowrider.

To get things started, on June 1, 2022, you can pick up a Redcat GEN8 V2 International Scout II for $268.39. You can activate this discount with coupon code DD060122. To learn more about the Redcat Racing "30 Days of Deals" sale, visit redcatracing.com.
Image credit: Redcat Racing