Frankencrawler rides again! A quick & easy way to build a rear-steer lockout brace for the Redcat Racing RS10.

Turning a spare lower link into a rear lockout brace, the easy way.
In a brief (and rare) moment of free time two weeks ago, I dusted off the RS10 and took it for a few laps through the house. As with most of my R/C adventures this year, one of the laps brought an issue. My front steering servo became unresponsive. After checking connections, replacing batteries, and uttering a few unprintable words, I came to the conclusion that it had broken. Since I had been toying with the idea of turning the RS10 into a front-steer vehicle, I felt my hand was forced and soon found myself back in the shop.
After removing the defective servo and replacing it with the one from the rear, I then started looking at ways to quickly (and at the lowest cost possible) rigging up a rear-steering lockout brace. As luck would have it (as in a failed upgrade attempt from earlier this year) I had a set of 30-degree bend lower links laying around. Out of curiosity, I picked one up and was surprised to find that the length would allow me to mount it to the outer servo post.
I bought a few machine screws (after not finding any all thread that would fit the links), cut them to size, and swapped out the shorter steering link with bent lower-body link. My orginal plan was to mount the link to the rear-face of the post, however the length of the link didn't allow for that. A suitable alternative was to mount it at the top of the post (after drilling a quick hole). Once attached, I took it for a test drive and was happy with the results. While there is a good, stiff feel to the newly-added brace, there is a little flex in the mounting post, which I will add support to in the next phase of this mod. Once everything has been completed, I'll post a proper "how-to" with supplies and prices.