Freqeskinz Rust Bucket Series Axial SCX10 Body Wraps

By: Tim Gluth

There are a number of ways to customize a radio-controlled vehicle, making it unique to you and making it your own design. If you’re building a kit from scratch, painting the body is one way to get a custom look right off the bat. Another way to add a personal look is through decals and stickers.

FreqEskinz, a long-time creator of body wraps and decal kits for a number of R/C vehicles, has a new line of skins for select Axial’s SCX10 models. The Rust Bucket Series is a line of body wraps that will give your SCX10 Classic (Trail Honcho or Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon) or SCX10 II Jeep Cherokee a weathered, rusted look, the easy way.

While there are a number of ways to achieve a rusty, patina’d look through layers of painting and sanding, this is a relatively inexpensive way to add a new look to your R/C trail rig that can be as temporary as you’d like it to be.


These body decals allow for customization before you order, allowing you to choose a base color (beige, blue, teal, or white) and, optionally, add a door logo (Custom Rod Garage, Forest Service, Texaco, Death Valley, Central Raceway, or Border Patrol). No matter what color or optional door logo you add, the price of this wrap stays the same at $45.00.

Not only is this an easy way to add a fresh look to your kit build or ready-to-run (RTR) trail machine, but it’s an inexpensive way to try out a possible look that you could replicate with paint after a while. Learn more about the Rust Bucket series of Axial SCX10 body wraps at

Image credit: FreqESkinz

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