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Pro-Line Racing Announces a Chevy Silverado Body for the Axial SCX10

By: Tim Gluth

Ah, the eternal struggle that is arguing for (and against) your favorite auto manufacturer.  Through the years, no battle has raged harder than Ford vs. Chevy.  No matter what side you fall on, you like what you like and want to carry that love into every automotive aspect of your life.  While Pro-Line has offered a Ford F-250 body for the Axial SCX10 and they’ve just announced a body that will excite the bowtie fanatics; a Chevrolet Silverado Axial SCX10 Honcho body.

This clear body features some amazing scale details and will add an amazing custom feel to your rig.  Want to see how it looks in action? Check out Pro-Line’s teaser video:

This body will be available in late-March, retailing at $43.95 (at prolineracing.com).  Check out Pro-Line’s site for more images and details on this new scale body option.

Customize your Axal SCX10 with these additional Pro-Line accessories:

Image credit: Pro-Line

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