Reviewing the Gladiator SC Tire from Pro-Line

By: Tim Gluth

If you figured I'd be writing about tires this week (based on our teaser pic), you were right! If you thought we'd be discussing berber carpeting, I'm sad to say, you're at the wrong site.

To compliment my recent addition of rear Pro-Line PowerStroke Performance Shocks to my Slash 4x4, I went with another reasonably easy upgrade option, tires and wheels. When looking at what tire and wheels will work best for you, it's best to evaluate where you're going to be driving and what you'll exect the tires to do on those surfaces. For my needs, I felt a set of Gladiator SC tires (pre-mounted on Renegade wheels) would do the trick. After a quick shakedown, I'm quite happy with that decision and look forward to another, full-powered run this week. Until then, here are my initial thoughts on the Pro-Line Gladitators.


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