Unboxing: The HG P402 1/10 Scale RC Crawler [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

Does the allure of the outdoors call to you as your at your workbench, wrenching on your radio-controlled vehicle? Or are you someone who has yet to hold a controller in your hands and explore this great hobby? If you're a fan of being one with nature and have an addiction to cars, the scale/trail rig/rock crawler side of the hobby might be perfect for you.

Not only can you spend time outside, you have opportunities to explore parks and trails or create your own course to drive your machine(s) on. If you're on the fence about this type of R/C vehicle, a low-cost beginners option might be the HG P402. While that name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, it does appear to be a capable vehicle, and a great starting point for the beginner in the hobby.

Using a frame setup that is similar to that of the Axial SCX10 and other popular scale radio-controlled crawling vehicles, the HG P402 uses mostly-plastic components. While these aren't the best choice for trail performance, they are more forgiving than others, and will allow you to experiment with various driving styles without much risk of parts breakage.

The price on the HG P402 appears to range (based on a variety of criteria) but it typically runs between $90 and $180 (at GearBest.com).

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